Monday, March 18, 2013

Florida Panthers? rally not enough to overcome Islanders

It doesn?t seem to matter what Kevin Dineen does in trying to change the Panthers? fortune. Nothing seems to work.

Dineen has changed goalies, practice venues, offensive lines and defensive pairings. Even wearing his lucky green tie with embroidered shamrocks didn?t help things Saturday night, although for a bit it looked like it might.

The Panthers fell into a 3-0 hole only to rally and tie the score in near-record time. Yet the visiting Islanders scored with seven minutes left and handed Florida its sixth consecutive loss with a 4-3 victory at BB&T Center.

?I?ve had it almost a dozen years,? Dineen said, his dark green tie still knotted tight. ?Unfortunately, my record took a little beating.?

Saturday?s game was Florida?s last at home for some time as the Panthers, riding a season-long winless streak, embark on a season-long, five-game road trip with games against playoff challengers Carolina, the Rangers, Devils, Maple Leafs and these Islanders.

Yes, believe it or not, but the Islanders are three points out of the eighth and final playoff spot in the Eastern Conference.

Florida, meanwhile, remains in last place in the entire league, and if that holds, it would mark the first time the Panthers have finished at the bottom of the NHL.

With such a finish comes perks as potentially having their pick of the litter at the upcoming draft. Although adding another blue-chip prospect to a deep stable of can?t-miss-kids will be fun for the Panthers come June, things are quite painful right now.

Florida has not only lost six in a row, but it has dropped nine of its past 10. And 11 of its past 13. And 16 of 19. Saturday?s loss leaves the Panthers 4-8-5 on home ice.

?We all want to win in here, so from that standpoint, it?s getting frustrating,? Jack Skille said. ?Everyone wants it in here. We all say the right things between periods; we have a lot of character in this room.?

The Islanders, who have won five of seven, scored twice in the opening period as Scott Clemmensen ? getting his second consecutive start ? surrendered goals on consecutive shots within a span of 2:33.

New York quickly made it 3-0 when Brad Boyes scored 33 seconds into the second period, giving the Isles three goals on four shots against Clemmensen.

The Panthers have been down this road a lot lately. They have surrendered the initial goal in 10 of their past 12 games. All of those games in which the Panthers fell behind, not coincidentally, were losses.

Florida bounced back to life in the third, finally beating Evgeni Nabokov when T.J. Brennan ? acquired in a Friday night deal with the Sabres ? scored in his Florida debut by banging in a loose puck from the slot.

He didn?t know what he would start.

Brennan?s goal kick-started a three-goal outburst from the offensively challenged Panthers as Marcel Goc and Mike Santorelli followed with goals.

?Maybe it?s nice to be thrown into the fire; it settles you down a bit,? Brennan said. ?I wasn?t trying to do too much. They told me to shoot when I can, if I see opportunities.?

Florida?s three-goal tally in a span of 1:43 was the third-fastest in franchise history. The Panthers scored three in a span of 62 seconds at Buffalo in 2009.

?We have highs and lows we need to balance out,? Dineen said. ?When you push as hard as we did to come back, you?re proud of them.?

The Panthers couldn?t get at least a point out of the comeback, however, as Casey Cizikas dove for a loose puck in front of Shawn Matthias and put it past Clemmensen.

?It has to be a more productive game,? Dineen said. ?We need a more complete game.?

The Panthers lost defenseman Ed Jovanovski to an undisclosed injury during the second period. Jovanovski had missed 21 games with a lower-body injury before returning Saturday.

Jonathan Huberdeau (hand/wrist) and Peter Mueller (lower body) left during the first period. Both were on the ice to start the second. George Parros (upper body) left after fighting during the first and didn?t return.


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Bills seek end to farm animal abuse videos

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) ? An undercover video that showed California cows struggling to stand as they were prodded to slaughter by forklifts led to the largest meat recall in U.S. history. In Vermont, a video of veal calves skinned alive and tossed like sacks of potatoes ended with the plant's closure and criminal convictions.

Now in a pushback led by the meat and poultry industries, state legislators across the country are introducing laws making it harder for animal welfare advocates to investigate cruelty and food safety cases.

Some bills make it illegal to take photographs at a farming operation. Others make it a crime for someone such as an animal welfare advocate to lie on an application to get a job at a plant.

Bills pending in California, Nebraska and Tennessee require that anyone collecting evidence of abuse turn it over to law enforcement within 24 to 48 hours ? which advocates say does not allow enough time to document illegal activity under federal humane handling and food safety laws.

"We believe that folks in the agriculture community and folks from some of the humane organizations share the same concerns about animal cruelty," said Mike Zimmerman, chief of staff for Assembly Member Jim Patterson, R-Fresno, whose bill was unveiled this week. "If there's abuse taking place, there is no sense in letting it continue so you can make a video."

Patterson's bill, sponsored by the California Cattlemen's Association, would make failing to turn over video of abuse to law enforcement within 48 hours an infraction punishable by a fine.

Critics say the bills are an effort to deny consumers the ability to know how their food is produced.

"The meat industry's mantra is always that these are isolated cases, but the purpose of these bills is to prevent any pattern of abuse from being documented," said Paul Shapiro, vice president of farm animal protection for the Humane Society of the United States, which conducted the California and Vermont investigations.

In Indiana, Arkansas and Pennsylvania it would be a crime to make videos at agricultural operations.

The goal of the proposed California law, industry representatives say, is to halt any abuses quickly and get video evidence to government regulators within two days, not to impede undercover investigations by animal welfare groups.

"The people doing this aren't cops so I wouldn't think it's their job to build a case. The goal for all of us is to reduce instances of animal abuse," said David Daley, a Cattlemen vice president and professor of agricultural science at California State University-Chico.

Formal opposition to the California bill comes from the ASPCA, the Teamsters, the HSUS and dozens of others. They say these attempts by the agriculture industry to stop investigations are a part of a nationwide agenda set by the American Legislative Exchange Council, a conservative think tank backed by business interests.

ALEC has labeled those who interfere with animal operations "terrorists," though a spokesman said he wishes now that the organization had called its legislation the "Freedom to Farm Act" rather than the "Animal and Ecological Terrorism Act."

"At the end of the day it's about personal property rights or the individual right to privacy," said spokesman Bill Meierling. "You wouldn't want me coming into your home with a hidden camera."

Animal welfare advocates say all of the focus on secrecy is energy misspent.

"I wish the cattlemen actually wanted to stop cruelty, not the documenting of cruelty," said HSUS California director Jennifer Fearing. "One could think of a thousand ways for them to actually stop cruelty rather than waiting for people to make videos and turn them over."

Animal welfare advocates say law enforcement agencies do not have the time or inclination to work complex animal abuse and food safety cases, and that federal USDA inspectors in slaughter plants have turned a blind eye to abuse.

When a USDA inspector at the Vermont plant was heard in 2009 coaching a plant worker on how to avoid being shut down, U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack weighed in, calling the conduct "inexcusable."

In reaction to concerns, the USDA has been working to improve enforcement of its humane handling regulations over the past two years, including establishing an ombudsman position that accepts reports of violations. Last year 24 new positions in the Food Safety Inspection Service were dedicated to humane handling, said a high-ranking food safety official not authorized to speak publicly.

That hasn't slowed investigations or the bills designed to stop them. The Arkansas bill goes further than the others and would prohibit anyone other than law enforcement from investigating animal cases.

Last year Iowa, a major egg-producing state, passed a bill making it illegal to deny being a member of an animal welfare organization on a farm job application. Utah passed one that outlaws photography.

Most of the sensational videos of abuse in recent years are shot by undercover operatives who surreptitiously apply and are hired by the meat processors for jobs within the facilities. One recorded last year by Compassion over Killing at Central Valley Meats in Hanford, Calif. showed a worker standing on a downed dairy cow's nostrils to suffocate it and others repeatedly shot in the head, prompting several fast-food hamburger to cancel contracts, at least temporarily.

Animal welfare groups say investigations take weeks because the operatives nose around only when they aren't performing the duties for which they were hired.

An HSUS investigator was in the Hallmark plant in Southern California for six weeks between October and November 2007, when the nonprofit turned over to the local district attorney evidence that included fraud in the federal school lunch program because animals too sick to walk were being slaughtered. In January 2008, HSUS released the video to force the DA to act. Two employees were convicted of cruelty charges.

Late last year, nine workers at a Wyoming pork processing facility were charged with animal cruelty after an HSUS video showed them kicking and tossing piglets and failing to euthanize a sow gravely injured by a worker while giving birth.

In 2009, HSUS spent 21 days in the Vermont slaughterhouse where male calves born to dairy cows were killed for veal.

"Believe me our investigators would like to be out of there as soon as possible. They're stoic, they're courageous, but they are not enjoying their work at all," said Mary Beth Sweetland, director of investigations for HSUS.


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Iraq War 10 years later: was it worth it?

This week marks the 10th anniversary of the US-led invasion of Iraq ? a war that lasted far longer and was more costly than Americans were told to expect by their military and political leaders, a war that has led to much public questioning as well as private soul-searching.

It?s clear that a decade of war has led to changed attitudes.

At the conclusion of the Conservative Political Action Conference this weekend, there was a presidential straw poll. But conservative activists also were asked about the US role in the world, and the response was clear: only 34 percent said the US should adopt a more muscular role; 50 percent said the US should pull back, leaving it more to allies to take care of trouble spots.

Those results are similar to other recent polls taken of the general populace regarding whether the Iraq War was worth the effort and cost. By about two-to-one, Americans today answer ?no.?

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It will take years before the total costs are tallied. For one thing, thousands of combat veterans will require long-term treatment and disability benefits related to the conflict?s signature injuries: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI).

But a new report by Brown University scholars gives some indication of the financial and human toll.

Among the findings:

? More than 70 percent of those who died of direct war violence in Iraq have been civilians ? an estimated 134,000. This number does not account for indirect deaths due to increased vulnerability to disease or injury as a result of war-degraded conditions. That number is estimated to be several times higher.

? The Iraq War will ultimately cost US taxpayers at least $2.2 trillion. Because the Iraq war appropriations were funded by borrowing, cumulative interest through 2053 could amount to more than $3.9 trillion.

? The $2.2 trillion figure includes care for veterans who were injured in the war in Iraq, which will cost the United States almost $500 billion through 2053.

? The total of US service members killed in Iraq is 4,488. At least 3,400 US contractors have died as well, a number often under-reported.

? Terrorism in Iraq increased dramatically as a result of the invasion and tactics and fighters were exported to Syria and other neighboring countries.

? Iraq?s health care infrastructure remains devastated from sanctions and war. More than half of Iraq?s medical doctors left the country during the 2000s, and tens of thousands of Iraqi patients are forced to seek health care outside the country.

? The $60 billion spent on reconstruction for Iraq has not gone to rebuilding infrastructure such as roads, health care, and water treatment systems, but primarily to the military and police. The Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction has found massive fraud, waste, and abuse of reconstruction funds.

?Nearly every government that goes to war underestimates its duration, neglects to tally all the costs, and overestimates the political objectives that will be accomplished by war?s violence,? said Neta C. Crawford, professor of political science at Boston University and co-director of the "Costs of War" project at Brown University's Watson Institute for International Studies.

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Meanwhile, although anti-war protesters no longer demonstrate in this country, the inevitable debate over the war continues.

In a new Showtime documentary ?The World According To Dick Cheney,? the former vice president says ?If I had to do it over again, I?d do it in a minute.?

No doubts for Mr. Cheney now ? as others have ? based on what?s known about Saddam Hussein?s nonexistent stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) or the Iraqi dictator?s questionable ties to Al Qaeda, the terrorist organization led by Osama bin Laden and responsible for the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon killing nearly 3,000 people.

Other senior officials in the administration of George W. Bush are not so adamant.

Regarding the elusive WMD, Bush administration national security advisor Stephen Hadley told NPR over the weekend: "Republicans thought [Hussein] had them, Democrats thought he had them, the Clinton administration thought he had them, the Bush administration thought he had them.?

"We were all wrong,? he says.

Regarding the human toll on both sides, Mr. Hadley admits that "clearly the situation got away from us."

But, he said in the NPR interview, "I think this is a country that is taking responsibility for its security both internally and externally.?

Responding to the Brown University ?Costs of War? report, State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland, said that the US and Iraq have forged a "strategically important bilateral relationship."

"Compared to where we were in the Saddam era, we now have a bilateral security agreement,? she said, according to several press reports. ?We have deep economic interests and ties. We have a security relationship. We have a political relationship.?

Still, stability in Iraq remains a serious concern.

?Ten years after the US-led invasion that toppled Saddam Hussein, talk swirls in government circles of Sunni protesters planning to destabilize the country,? Monitor correspondent Jane Arraf reports from Baghdad. ?While many discount the possibility of a coup, rising sectarian tension and an ongoing political crisis have raised fears that there is a new battle looming between Baghdad and the provinces.?

In a column last Friday titled ?Five Myths About Iraq,? Washington Post associate editor and former Baghdad bureau chief Rajiv Chandrasekaran notes the latest violent news from Iraq: ?On Monday, a suicide bomber drove his explosives-laden car into a police station, killing five people; the same day, six more people were killed in various militant attacks in Baghdad. Three days earlier, 19 people died in a string of attacks targeting security personnel.?

Andrew Bacevich has what is perhaps a unique view of the Iraq War, its outcome and its aftermath. Dr. Bacevich is a West Point graduate who served in Vietnam, a career US Army officer who retired as a colonel, and a professor of history and international relations at Boston University.

Bacevich's son, a 27 year-old US Army First Lieutenant, was killed in Iraq by a roadside bomb. The loss weighs heavily on Bacevich. (He wrote about it movingly shortly after his family's loss.) But he was speaking and writing critically about the war before his son was killed in 2007, and he continues to do so today.

In a long Washington Post essay earlier this month (?Ten years after the invasion, did we win the Iraq war??), Bacevich puts the Iraq War in the context of earlier conflicts ranging back to the War of 1812 through World War I to Vietnam, writing that ?battlefield outcomes thought to be conclusive often prove anything but.?

?A challenge facing historians of the Iraq war ? will be to gauge what senior members of George W. Bush?s inner circle were actually trying to accomplish,? he writes. ?The justifications offered for the invasion were all over the place, including supposed weapons of mass destruction, claims that Saddam Hussein had collaborated with al-Qaeda and visions of democracy throughout the Arab world.?

?Eventually, only this last ? Bush?s Freedom Agenda ? remained,? he continues. ?Yet, as the war dragged on, expectations of transforming the Middle East gave way to more modest definitions of success. When it came to advancing the cause of liberty, the Bush administration set out to build a cathedral. In the end, the Obama administration declared itself content with a shaky two-car garage.?

Politicians may argue vigorously about the conduct of the war and its outcome, as Sen. John McCain did in charging that Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel would be found to have been ?on the wrong side of history? regarding Iraq in general and the ?surge? in particular.

But Bacevich argues that ?judgments rendered by history tend to be tentative, incomplete and reversible.?

?More than occasionally, they arrive seasoned with irony,? he writes. ?This is especially true when it comes to war, where battlefield outcomes thought to be conclusive often prove anything but.?

Just as it was in Vietnam ? and back and back through previous wars ? the outcome of the US-led invasion and occupation of Iraq remains unclear. ?Was it worth it?? is a question impossible to answer.

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Syrian general, 20 soldiers defect: opposition

BEIRUT (Reuters) - A brigadier general and about 20 soldiers defected from the Syrian army in two separate incidents on Saturday, activists said, in another sign that the strength of President Bashar al-Assad's armed forces is diminishing.

Brigadier General Mohammed Khalouf appeared dressed in a camouflage military uniform in a video on Al Arabiya news channel and said he had planned his escape with the opposition movement for some time.

"It is not possible for anyone to accept any of the ideas of this regime unless they have achieved special interests," he said in the video.

There was no comment about the defection on Syrian state news outlets.

Defection of high-ranking military and political figures has slowed in past months.

But a study by the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) published this week estimated that Assad's forces, thought to be more than 300,000-strong at the start of the uprising two years ago, were now at a much lower effective strength and were likely to diminish further.

The IISS said that perhaps 50,000 of the Syrian army's elite troops could be depended on for loyalty. Most of them were likely to be from Assad's minority Alawite sect, which has dominated the country for more than four decades.

Many deserters report that their units were held inside bases to prevent their escape.

Syria's civil war began as a popular street movement but has evolved into an increasingly sectarian conflict. The opposition has been mostly led by the Sunni Muslim population, with Alawites and other minorities mostly throwing their weight behind Assad.

In central Syria, around 20 soldiers fled their posts for embattled rebel territory near the ancient desert city of Palmyra, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

The British-based group, which has a network of activists across Syria, said the soldiers fled to farmlands near the city, where there has been shelling and gun battles for two days.

Fighting has now spread across most of the country, except for a stronghold on the Mediterranean coast which is home to a large Alawite population.

With increasing violence has come a rising use of cluster munitions, the Human Rights Watch reported Saturday, saying it had identified at least 119 locations across Syria where the bombs had been used in the past six months. It said cluster bomb attacks were causing a mounting civilian death toll in a conflict that has already killed more than 70,000 people.

"Syria is expanding its relentless use of cluster munitions, a banned weapon, and civilians are paying the price with their lives and limbs," said Steve Goose of Human Rights Watch.

"The initial toll is only the beginning because cluster munitions often leave unexploded bomblets that kill and maim long afterward."

(Reporting by Erika Solomon; Editing by Stephen Powell)


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Tamar Yehoshua, Google: In Conversation liveblog

Tamar Yehoshua, Google In Conversation liveblog

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March 16, 2013 4:15 PM EDT

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Westboro Baptist Church Founder Fred Phelps May Be Gay, Suggests Former Member Lauren Drain

A former member of the Westboro Baptist Church who recently published a book about leaving the hate-mongering group has also revealed that founder Fred Phelps's anti-gay ideology may have spawned from a gay experience.

Lauren Drain, 27, was a member of the Topeka, Kan., congregation until she challenged the group's beliefs and had to leave. She sat down this week with the Advocate to discuss her book and her journey from follower to free.

Drain suggested to the Advocate that founder Fred Phelps might have formed the Westboro Baptist Church and begun his anti-gay crusade because of a gay experience. He was a Boy Scout who graduated with honors and was headed for the military, she said. Then, at 17, Phelps changed his mind and was suddenly set on becoming a preacher to fight against "sexual immorality."

Via the Advocate:

I never understood why, when [the media asked him], ?Why are you so against the homosexuals? Did you have a homosexual experience? Do you have homosexual tendencies?? And he would get so mad, he would shut down. And he?d be like, ?I can?t talk to this person anymore, they?re stupid.? His reaction to that was stronger than any other question you can ask him. So I always wondered that ? why does he get so mad? If I?m not gay, I?ll just say I?m not gay. And I?m not going to freak out, like, ?Why are you calling me gay?? I always thought that was super strange. ? I don?t know what happened there, so [speculation] is all that I can leave it at. But something happened, and something made him change his mind about the military, and in turn have kind of a crusade against sexual immorality and homosexuals.

Not only did she leave Westboro, but Drain also has become an advocate for gay rights and anti-bullying. In February, she posed for the NOH8 campaign, a movement that promotes equality.

"I don't think anyone should judge or persecute another human being or any group of individuals based off of those personal, chosen, beliefs," she told NOH8. "I am against any and all forms of violence, discrimination, bullying or bigotry directed at someone else due to their personal lifestyle."

March 5 saw the release of Drain's book, Banished: Surviving My Years in the Westboro Baptist Church, in which she describes how she grew up with Westboro during her formative years, after her father developed an obsession with the group and moved his family from Florida to Kansas.

During a reddit "Ask Me Anything" session last month, one commentator asked Drain, "Do you think Fred Phelps is gay? If not, how do you explain his extreme interest in homosexuality?" She didn't answer the question at the time, but she did say Phelps has managed to brainwash his followers so much that they believe the hate just as staunchly as he does.

"I don't think Fred Phelps becoming incapable would be the reason the church would collapse," she said when asked if Westboro may crumble after the 83-year-old dies. "I tend to think it is disintegrating as more and more members question things and get kicked out or leave. The brainwashing is so deep that the second and third generation believe just a strongly as the Pastor himself."

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Domain Buying, Investing and Monetization Basics. Part I

Post image for Domain Buying, Investing and Monetization Basics.  Part I

This is the blog post I wished I?d have read 5 or 6 years ago.??This is the information that anyone who?s made a dollar with?domains already knows.
If someone would have been brutally honest with me, I?d have saved a lot of time and money during my process of learning about domain names.? I?m going to quickly go through many points, so here?s the list:

This is a good page to check out.? It is the top all-time domain sales (by price).? These are only the publicly reported sales - there are undoubtedly hundreds of private transactions that would have made this list:? Why is this information valuable?? You can see what names are selling for big money.? You should aspire to acquire (hey, that rhymes) domain names that are like the ones on this link.? I know, you can?t do that right off the bat?- but I?ll tell you how to get rolling (below).

Buy .coms? don?t assume anything will ever take off like the .com.? YES, there is money to be made with other TLDs (top level domains), but you have to have impeccable timing and you have to take more risks.? .co and .me have really done well, but only a handful of people have made serious money with these extensions.? .com values are relatively stable (yes, they do go up and down with the economy) but the likelihood of you losing your entire investment is very low.? this link shows how closely domain name values have tracked with the NASDAQ.? I?ve branched out and bought some .tv?s, .mobi?s etc.? One such purchase has been written off as a total loss of $25,0000.? It was an experiment / speculative buy of great magnitudes ? and I was wrong.? Live and learn.? Don?t do what I did.

When you start off, you won?t be able to buy category-leading one-word .com domains unless you have a significant amount of cash on hand.? So, to build up your capital you need to do some quick flipping.? The way I started, I bought domain names that had significant traffic, because I found those to be the most liquid.? I?d search public auctions? and seek out names with significant traffic.? These are easy flips because there will ALWAYS be a buyer for names with traffic.? WHY?? Because buyers can turn this traffic into revenue.? How?

Monetization.??Parking is the easiest way to make money with domain names.? If you?ve ever landed on a website and noticed it had nothing but advertising links, that?s a parked page.?,, and are great parking places.? For the more skilled, I?d install WordPress and start writing content in order for the search engines to discover you.? Most hosting companies such as (linked in the blue bar at the very top of this site) offer an easy, one-click installation of WordPress.? I cover the basics of how to SEO optimize your site here:? SEO BASICS?and why you need content here:? CONTENT AND SEO? Parking is the most scalable solution to monetize your names.? If you hate the look of a parked page, visit and you can build little mini-sites loaded with cool features for free.

Quality over Quantity.? I mentioned this nearly 4 years ago in this bio:? Nearly EVERY person who has made a dime with domain names admits their first (and main) mistake was registering 100, 500, 1000 random domain names, hoping something would stick.? It rarely does.? Your efforts and money are better focused in acquiring domains with traffic or one-word category-leading .com domains.

Buy names on the aftermarket.? Buy from owners, from auctions and on forums.
Read for domain insights and learn from people at
And, please, use for medium and large $ transactions.? If you do not personally know the other party in your transaction, use this service.? It?s well worth it and something I needed to discover on day one as well.

These are just some basics.? There are more steps in the learning process, but this is valuable information that would assit anyone looking to dabble with domain name investing.

Trying to help?

- Aron


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Sunday, March 17, 2013

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Manual social bookmarking is a reliable service that makes it possible for you to build a large customer base. With manual social bookmarking, you can increase the visibility of your business by ensuring that your customers get the information they need with ease.

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Indian police detain 20 over Swiss tourist's rape

A security officer inspects the site where a Swiss woman was reportedly gang raped by a group of eight men while touring by bicycle with her husband, near Orchcha, in the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh, Saturday, March 16, 2013. Authorities detained and questioned 13 men in connection with the latest attack, which occurred Friday night as the couple camped out in a forest in Madhya Pradesh state after bicycling from the temple town of Orchha, local police officer R.K. Gurjar said. (AP Photo)

A security officer inspects the site where a Swiss woman was reportedly gang raped by a group of eight men while touring by bicycle with her husband, near Orchcha, in the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh, Saturday, March 16, 2013. Authorities detained and questioned 13 men in connection with the latest attack, which occurred Friday night as the couple camped out in a forest in Madhya Pradesh state after bicycling from the temple town of Orchha, local police officer R.K. Gurjar said. (AP Photo)

Indian children participate in a protest against child abuse and rising crimes against women, in Bhubaneswar, India, Saturday, March 16, 2013. India has seen outrage and widespread protests against rape and attacks on women and minors since a fatal gang-rape of a young woman in December on a moving bus in New Delhi, the capital. In the most recent case, a Swiss woman who was on a cycling trip in central India with her husband has been gang-raped by eight men, police said. (AP Photo/Biswaranjan Rout)

Indian children participate in a protest against child abuse and rising crimes against women, in Bhubaneswar, India, Saturday, March 16, 2013. India has seen outrage and widespread protests against rape and attacks on women and minors since a fatal gang-rape of a young woman in December on a moving bus in New Delhi, the capital. In the most recent case, a Swiss woman who was on a cycling trip in central India with her husband has been gang-raped by eight men, police said. Placard reads "our safety is your responsibility." (AP Photo/Biswaranjan Rout)

(AP) ? Police in central India said Sunday that they have detained 20 men after a Swiss woman on a cycling trip with her husband was gang-raped.

No arrests have been made so far, but police were questioning the men in connection with the rape on the woman Friday night in Datia district of Madhya Pradesh state, said senior police officer D.K. Arya.

The couple told police that the woman had been raped by seven or eight men, but that it was dark and they could not be sure of the exact number, Arya said. They said the husband also was attacked by the men.

The woman, 39, was treated Saturday at a hospital in the nearby city of Gwalior and was released later that day, police said.

Arya said that as an initial step, police have registered a rape case against seven men while they search nearby villages for other suspects.

The attack came three months after the fatal gang rape of a woman aboard a New Delhi bus outraged Indians and spurred the government to pass laws to protect women.

The couple, who were on a three-month vacation in India, had visited the temple town of Orchha and were planning to cycle to Agra to visit the Taj Mahal, nearly 210 kilometers (130 miles) away.

They set out from Orchha on Friday and pitched their tent in a forest near Jatia village when they were attacked by a group of men armed with wooden sticks, police said.

The men beat up the husband, tied him to a tree and then raped the woman, police said.

The Swiss ambassador in India, Linus von Castelmur, has spoken to the couple and has demanded a swift probe of the incident by Indian authorities.

Castelmur said he was "most distressed" by the incident and has assured the couple of the Swiss government's help and support.

"Their health and treatment is the priority of the moment," the Swiss Embassy said in a statement.

The embassy said it was in touch with local authorities in Madhya Pradesh and has urged a "swift investigation and for justice to be done."

Last month, the Swiss government issued a travel notice for India that included a warning about "increasing numbers of rapes and other sexual offenses" in the South Asian nation, and the latest incident is likely to raise concerns in India about the country's tourism industry. According to government statistics, around 6.5 million foreign tourists visited India in 2011, generating about $120 billion for the nation's travel and hospitality sector.

The gang rape in December of a 23-year-old student aboard a moving bus in New Delhi, the capital, set off nationwide protests, sparking a debate about the treatment of women in India and highlighting the inability of law enforcement agencies to protect them.

One of six suspects in the December attack was found dead in a New Delhi jail this past week. Authorities said he hanged himself, but his family and lawyer insisted foul play was involved, and a magistrate is investigating. Four other men and a juvenile remain on trial for the attack.

Associated Press


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Denver Broncos Mini CampGetty Images

Regardless of the machinations or the motivations, blame for the fact that defensive end Elvis Dumervil no longer is a member of the Broncos falls on all parties involved.

The NFL, like many businesses, runs on deadlines.? When making decisions up against a deadline, both sides need to allow enough time to get the deal done.

And if the deal doesn?t get done in time, both sides share the blame equally.

If Dumervil?s agent, Marty Magid, needed more time to study the revised documents, he needed to say so.? If the Broncos needed more time to process the paperwork, they needed to say so.? The end result was a clusterfudge that makes everyone look bad.

That said, the real question is whether one side or the other was up to something.? The Broncos had nothing to gain by creating the impression that they were forced to cut Dumervil, unless they somehow decided from a P.R. perspective that the accidental departure of Dumervil would be received more favorably by the fan base than the intentional release of Dumervil.

In contrast, Dumervil could have duped the Broncos into guaranteeing his entire contract if the team failed to cut him before the end of the business day.? Alternatively, Magid may have decided to force the release after word got out that Dumervil would make $8 million in 2013 ? and after possibly hearing from another team that would be willing to pay Dumervil more than that.

We suspect the latter, based on Magid?s comments to Jason La Canfora of

?We haven?t talked yet, but I think we all needed to take a deep breath and then we?ll see where it goes,?? Magid said.? ?Unfortunately, it didn?t work out the way we wanted, but everything happens for a reason and it?s not like this anybody?s fault. This wasn?t just a case of an agent taking too long to send something.? It?s not anyone?s fault, but Elvis is a free agent now and we?ll see how that process plays out.?

If both sides intended to honor the deal that was negotiated on Friday, both sides will promptly fix the situation and move forward with a new deal.? It was painted as an accident; any other outcome indicates that the accident really wasn?t.

Still, if the truth is that the Broncos were snookered, they helped make that happen by not establishing a clear deadline and ensuring that all documents were signed in sufficient time to permit the revised contract to become official.


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Saturday, March 16, 2013

?Checkered Past? 1940 Ford coupe wins Ridler Award | Hemmings ...


It?s said, with considerable justification, that having a hand in building a custom car that wins the Detroit Autorama?s Ridler Award can make a career for a designer, fabricator or painter. In this case of this year?s winner, a 1940 Ford coupe named Checkered Past, the car literally was the foundation of what is now surely to be a successful street rod shop. Owner Ron Cizek of Bennington, Nebraska originally started building the car himself three-and-a-half years ago as tribute to the vehicle?s drag racing history.

After the build started, Cizek met Andy Leach, an Omaha area fabricator. Cizek was impressed enough with Leach?s design talent and fabrication skills that the two of them decided to open up a shop, Cal Automotive Creations, in Omaha. Checkered Past is their first completed concept-to-finished-show-car project. The roof has been chopped, the hood and fenders re-contoured and a custom grille and hand-shaped running boards are only some of the body modifications. Once the body was finished, former Boyd Coddington painter Charlie Hutton sprayed the car at his Color Studio in a three-stage finish with red, gold and brown layers. The result is sort of a deep cranberry color. The pinstriping is also gold, as is the anodized finish on the custom wheels and the engine intake components. That?s an appropriate color for a car that has won the 50th Ridler Award.

Under the hood is a flathead Ford V-8 assembled by Erik Hansen, whom Cizek brought into Cal Automotive Creations as their in-house engine builder. It features a GMC 4-71 supercharger, fuel injection and a custom intake manifold. Custom pans for the engine oil and transmission fluid adorn the underside of the car, which is as clean as the more visible parts and features its own two-toned and pinstriped paintwork. A custom bellhousing machined from billet connects the flathead with a six-speed Tremec supplied by Bowler. The car is suspended by Ride Tech up front and modified Heidt components in the back.

As mentioned, this was the Ridler?s golden anniversary and to commemorate it, many of the previous winning cars were on display. Many, perhaps most, of the early winners were owned, when they won, by their builders. In recent years, most of the winners have been so-called checkbook hot rods, with wealthy enthusiasts hiring top shelf shops to build them a Ridler contender. The phenomenon has resulted in the rat rod backlash. Somewhere in the middle there?s a happy medium and perhaps Checkered Past will start a trend back to owner-built entrants into major custom car competitions.

Because so many of the 80 cars in competition for the Ridler are indeed built by esteemed shops with very talented fabricators and craftsmen, the competition for the award was fierce. To my eyes they all presented outstanding fabrication and painting skills and more than a little aesthetic talent. I didn?t see very many just-because-they-could-doesn?t-mean-they-had-to cars.

Winning a Ridler can set up a shop for life, so to speak, but even making it to the finals is a resume builder. Building or painting a Ridler Great 8 finalist can be a feather in any customizer?s cap. As mentioned, all of the cars were built to a level that to my eyes surpasses the attention to detail associated with production cars like Rolls-Royce or Ferrari. Any one of the finalists would have been a worthy winner.

Here are the remaining Pirelli Great 8 Ridler Award finalists:


Mark and Ellen Willman?s ?Nailed? ? 1956 Buick Two Door Post

Troy Trepanier and his crew from Rad Rides by Troy had three cars on display. Their Ridler Award hopeful, ?Nailed,? is a 1956 Buick built for Mark and Wllen Willman of Blue Grass, Iowa. The name is a reference to the Buick ?nailhead? engine installed in this pristine clean build. It?s full of trick details, but everything is done so neatly that it?s easy to miss them. The Willmans are planning on using it as a pro tourer, so for the go there are the twin turbochargers that are so neatly installed that the engine compartment almost looks stock? almost. The engine also features a dry sump and a fuel injection system that was designed in house. That?s for the go. For the show is a monochromatic graphic scheme with dark grey paint, embellished with both polished and brushed black nickel plating along with conventional nickel plating as well.


Alan and Loretta Woodall?s ?C2/SS? ? 1965 Corvette Coupe

Considering that the only unchanged part on the original car is the roof panel, the fact that Autorama organizers mistakenly put this black Corvette in the ?Mild Sports? category is a tribute to just how seamlessly all of the many modifications were done. The car was designed by Eric Bockmeyer; owner Alan Woodall of Cary, North Carolina, calls it an ?understated and elegant car,? and I agree. It?s called the C2/SS and it?s supposed to incorporate some European flair into the second generation ?Vette. In addition to the extensive body mods, there are custom wheels by Greening Auto Company, which built the car, and a full custom interior by Paul Atkins. As is de rigueur with modern custom Corvettes, there?s an engine of the LS family under the hood, in this case the 505hp LS7 as fitted in the production Corvette Z06.


John Mayer?s ?Fearless? ? 1935 Ford Phaeton

Fearless, what I thought was the ?cleanest? design of the Great 8, is sort of owner built, since John Mayer is a customizer himself, operating Ogden Top & Trim Shop in Berwyn, Illinois. He was responsible for the overall design concept and he fabricated the interior. The body was fabricated by Willet Coachworks and it was finished and painted by Pete Sanchez of Custom Cars Unlimited. The engine was built by Rick Ceyer and the chassis was fabricated by former Ridler builder Tim O?Connell. Deeper colors seemed to be in this year, with a number of cranberry and root beer colored cars on the show floor. Fearless has great, simple lines. The steep rake of the windshield is cleverly duplicated in the angle of the instrument pod and the steering column, and since Mayer does convertible tops for a living, the car features both a retractable, hideaway ragtop and a very sleek removable hardtop. I also like the Woodliteish headlights.


Ken and Lynn Serusun?s ?Dad?s ?34? ? 1934 Ford Tudor Sedan

Most cars that end up as Ridler contenders start out as an idea and then the owner tracks down the car that fits that idea. Not many contenders for the Ridler, particularly those based on 80-year-old Fords, can say that they are one-family cars. This 1934 Ford Tudor Sedan was bought by Ken Serusun?s father brand new and it?s been in the family ever since. In 2009, Serusun, of Sedona, Arizona, hired Bobby Anderson to start restoring the car and in the four years since Serusun pushed him to turn it into what has become a quite magnificent show car. Anderson literally did everything on the car, including the chopped and rolled roof, upholstery, paint and mechanical things like building the engine. As you can see with the other Great 8 Ridler finalists, most of the competing cars have had their work jobbed out to individual specialists. It?s rare when a Ridler level car is completed by a single fabricator.


Christian Harker?s ?Archetype? ? 1934 Ford Altered Street Coupe

The current criteria for judging the Ridler Award are creativity, engineering and workmanship. On those basis I?d say that Christian Harker?s 1934 Ford Altered Street Coupe deserved consideration for the Ridler, even if I think the front end looks a little funny with it?s extended underbite grille, trick strut suspension and insectoid headlight pods. If you note, the judging criteria don?t include aesthetics and to be fair, those headlight pods, holding three different lamps and machined out of single pieces of billet, do show considerable creativity and workmanship. The independent front suspension with a single A-arm and a strut demonstrates some capable engineering. To qualify for the Ridler, a car has to be able to show rudimentary mechanical operation. In other words it has to run, steer, and stop well enough to get it on and off the show floor. Brian Mosbek, of Blaine, Minnesota, fabricated the car and to make sure the car handled competently on actual roads, he put 150 miles on it before final paint and assembly. The interior was done by Jim Griffin and Wheeler Racing Engines built the supercharged 427 Ford that powers this cleanly executed if aesthetically challenged coupe. On the other hand, it?s got a set of velocity stacks sticking up through the hood. Every car looks better with velocity stacks. Also, you have to give props to a hot rodder who gives his car the literate name of ?Archetype.?


Buddy and Kim Schulz?s ?The Reaper? ? 1972 Chevy Short Bed Pickup

When the Great 8 were announced, with two pickup trucks making the finals some observers thought this might be the the year a truck won the Ridler. It?s been a while. Chuck Miller?s Ford C-Cab Fire Truck won in 1968 and the Alexander Brothers? Top Banana, a roadster based on a 1923 Model T pickup, won the following year. Both of those trucks, by the way, were also on display at this year?s Autorama, along with 23 other former winners to commemorate the Ridler?s 50th anniversary. This 1972 Chevrolet pickup is owned by Buddy and Kim Schultz of Washington, Texas. Buddy is a speed freak: He?s raced drag boats and Pro Modified cars, so it?s not surprising that the truck has a big-block Chevy motor with a custom 8-71 blower by G&G Performance. Also custom is the full tube frame by Hot Rod Joe?s, which also did the body and paint. Joe Brown?s shop cut up and reassembled the entire front end, fenders, cowl, core support, grille and bumper into a single seamless piece. The front bumper alone was cut into 20 separate pieces before it was molded to the front clip. Brown?s confidence in his work can be seen in the fact that the truck was painted gloss black, which can normally every flaw. Of course, like all the other Ridler finalists, the surfaces were flawless. The brown and black leather interior was done by Steve Holcomb with a Western feel, a nice touch, but I thought the red LED lighting used for illumination was a bit tacky.


Alan Beers?s ?Quicksilver? ? 1957 Chevy Pickup

A fully fabricated bed to accommodate the custom 22-inch wheels is probably the least of the metalwork done on this fabulous 1957 Chevrolet pickup in a neat two-tone gray over silver, owned by Alan Beers of Owasso, Oklahoma. Built by Jason Smith of Hot Rod Garage, there?s not a stock panel left on the truck. Among others, body modifications include a smoothed and reshaped firewall, custom inner fenders, pancaked and reshaped hood, a three-inch chopped top, the cowl was filled and moved forward, the front bumper was narrowed and reshaped, custom tail light bar, hand-formed tailgate and roll pan along with a full belly pan. Special attention was paid to the glass, with reshaped windshield and back glass openings. Those reshaped openings were flush mounted with a custom windshield and backlite. There are abundant mechanical mods as well. The big-block Chevrolet engine is fed with a Crower fuel injection unit topped by footlong velocity stacks that has been converted to electronic fuel injection.

Every single one of the Great 8 finalists for the Ridler Award demonstrated outstanding fabrication skills. Each one in its own way met the award?s three criteria: creativity, engineering and workmanship, particularly workmanship. Rob Cizek?s Checkered Past earned a well deserved victory but I don?t envy the task that the judges had in picking it out from the other seven great finalists.

Ronnie Schreiber, a native Detroiter, spent two decades working for DuPont Automotive. He edits?Cars In Depth, a realistic perspective on cars and car culture and the original 3D car site. If the 3D thing freaks you out or if you think it?s a conspiracy to get you to buy yet another new TV set, don?t worry, all the photo and video players used at the site have mono options.


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Md. poised to be 18th state to ban death penalty

FILE - Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley attends the National Governors Association 2013 Winter Meeting in Washington, in this Feb. 24, 2013 file photo. Gov. Martin O'Malley, a Democrat, has been pushing for the change since his first year in office. A repeal bill has already been approved by the state Senate and it was expected to win final passage from the House of Delegates on Friday March 15, 2013. (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta, File)

FILE - Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley attends the National Governors Association 2013 Winter Meeting in Washington, in this Feb. 24, 2013 file photo. Gov. Martin O'Malley, a Democrat, has been pushing for the change since his first year in office. A repeal bill has already been approved by the state Senate and it was expected to win final passage from the House of Delegates on Friday March 15, 2013. (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta, File)

FILE - Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley attends the National Governors Association 2013 Winter Meeting in Washington, in this Feb. 24, 2013 file photo. Gov. Martin O'Malley, a Democrat, has been pushing for the change since his first year in office. A repeal bill has already been approved by the state Senate and it was expected to win final passage from the House of Delegates on Friday March 15, 2013. (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta, File)

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) ? It's been eight years since Maryland executed a convicted killer, but that could be the last time if the General Assembly, as expected, gives final passage this week to a bill to abolish capital punishment.

Gov. Martin O'Malley, a Democrat, has been pushing for the change since his first year in office. Now the Democratic-controlled legislature seems poised to make Maryland the 18th state in the nation to do away with the death penalty.

A repeal bill has already been approved by the state Senate and it was expected to win final passage from the House of Delegates on Friday.

The House advanced the legislation this week after delegates rejected nearly 20 amendments, mostly from Republicans, aimed at keeping capital punishment for the most heinous crimes.

If passed, life without the possibility of parole would be the most severe sentence in the state.

Supporters of repeal argue that the death penalty is costly, error-prone, racially biased and a poor deterrent of crime. But opponents say it is a necessary tool to punish lawbreakers who commit the most egregious crimes.

Passage would mark a major victory for O'Malley, who has long pushed for banning the death penalty.

Maryland has five men on death row. The measure would not apply to them retroactively, but the legislation makes clear that the governor can commute their sentences to life in prison without the possibility of parole.

The state's last execution took place in 2005, during the administration of Republican Gov. Robert Ehrlich. He resumed executions after a moratorium had been in place pending a 2003 University of Maryland study, which found significant racial and geographic disparity in how the death penalty was carried out.

Capital punishment was put on hold in Maryland after a December 2006 ruling by Maryland's highest court that the state's lethal injection protocols weren't properly approved by a legislative committee. The committee, whose co-chairs oppose capital punishment, has yet to sign off on protocols.

O'Malley, a Catholic, expressed support for repeal legislation in 2007, but it stalled in a Senate committee.

Maryland has a large Catholic population, and the church opposes the death penalty.

In 2008, lawmakers created a commission to study capital punishment after repeal efforts failed again. The panel recommended a ban later that year, citing racial and jurisdictional disparities in how the death penalty is applied.

In 2009, lawmakers tightened the law to reduce the chances of an innocent person being sent to death row by restricting capital punishment to murder cases with biological evidence such as DNA, videotaped evidence of a murder or a videotaped confession.

According to the Maryland Department of Public Safety & Correctional Services website, Maryland has only executed five inmates since 1976. There were three in the 1990s, and two when Ehrlich was governor.

In contrast, neighboring Virginia has executed 110 inmates since the U.S. Supreme Court restored capital punishment in 1976, according to the Death Penalty Information Center. However, Virginia's death row population has dwindled to eight from a peak of 57 in 1995, in part because fewer death sentences are being handed down in the state amid an increased acceptance of life without parole as a reasonable alternative.

The center said death sentences have declined by 75 percent and executions by 60 percent nationally since the 1990s.

If passed, Maryland would become the 18th state to ban the death penalty. Connecticut did so last year. Illinois, New Jersey, New Mexico and New York also have abolished it in recent years.

Associated Press


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Scientists discover mechanism that regulates production of energy-burning brown fat

Scientists discover mechanism that regulates production of energy-burning brown fat

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Joslin scientists have discovered a mechanism that regulates the production of brown fat, a type of fat which plays an important role in heat production and energy metabolism. The findings, which appear in the upcoming issue of Nature, may lead to new therapies that increase BAT formation to treat obesity.

Two types of fat tissue are present in humans and other mammals: white adipose tissue (WAT) or white fat, which stores fat; and brown adipose tissue (BAT) or brown fat, which burns fat to produce heat. Brown fat also metabolizes glucose and fatty acids which is important in diabetes and metabolic diseases. Studies suggest that brown fat provides a natural defense against obesity: people with greater quantities of brown fat have lower body weights. This has made brown fat the focus of considerable interest among scientists and pharmaceutical companies looking for ways to treat obesity.

Joslin scientists in the Tseng Laboratory of the Section on Integrative Physiology and Metabolism previously discovered that one type of bone morphogenetic protein, BMP-7, plays a key role in the control of brown fat formation and its heat-producing activity, which regulates whole body metabolism. In the present study, the scientists created a genetically mutant mouse model deficient in type 1A BMP-receptor (BMPR1A), a key receptor for BMP-7 which has been shown to be associated with obesity in human populations.

Mice have two types of BAT: constitutive BAT (cBAT), which develops before birth; and recruitable BAT (rBAT), which is found in WAT and skeletal muscle. Humans may also have two types of BAT.

The mice lacking BMPR1A were born with a deficiency of cBAT. Despite their lack of cBAT, the mutant mice were able to "maintain their body temperature perfectly," says senior author Yu-Hua Tseng, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, Principal Faculty of the Harvard Stem Cell Institute and an Investigator in the Section on Integrative Physiology and Metabolism.

The scientists discovered that when cBAT is deficient, cBAT cells send a signal through the sympathetic nervous system to increase production of rBAT within white fat. This study is the first to report this cross-talk between these two types of brown fat. The increased rBAT was sufficient to maintain normal body temperature and also protect against diet-induced obesity: When the control and mutant mice were fed a high-fat diet, the mutant mice did not gain more weight than the control mice.

Until this study, it was not known why a body needs two types of BAT and how they interact with each other. "These results show us that brown fat is essential for normal functioning. When one type of brown fat is deficient, the body has a sophisticated system for inducing development of the other type of brown fat to maintain body temperature and metabolism," says Dr. Tseng.

Tseng Laboratory scientists are interested in learning more about the function of human brown fat cells, including whether humans have two types of BAT, and understanding how BMP and related factors affect human brown fat production. "We would like to translate this research to develop treatments for diabetes and obesity. This new type of therapy would be especially beneficial to individuals who cannot lose weight through diet or have a limited ability to exercise," says Dr. Tseng.


Joslin Diabetes Center:

Thanks to Joslin Diabetes Center for this article.

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Hot careers in corrosion

Hot careers in corrosion [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 15-Mar-2013
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Contact: Denise Henry
University of Akron

Orlando Science Center inspires next-gen rust-busters

Akron, Ohio, March 15, 2013 When President Barack Obama cited the nation's 70,000 structurally deficient bridges in his State of the Union address last month, the University of Akron (UA) already had one solution to the problem: corrosion engineers. Now, a new partnership between UA and the Department of Defense will inspire the next generation of rust-busting corrosion engineers through an interactive educational exhibit that debuts at the Orlando Science Center in Florida, opening March 16.

As they stand under a 200-square-foot, rusty steel trestle bridge, visitors to the display move through a series of virtual experiences that depict how corrosion occurs and the scientific "fix" now under development at the University of Akron, which offers the nation's first bachelor's degree program in corrosion engineering. Supported by the U.S. DoD Corrosion Policy and Oversight Office and Bruno White Entertainment, the display (Corrosion: The Silent Menace) features videos of UA corrosion engineering students discussing their career futures.

Among the exhibit's engaging components is a video game experience, which uses kinesthetic gaming "Corr Sim Jr." to give children the opportunity to become corrosion-prevention technicians and keep their bicycles free of rust.

Launched in 2010, UA's corrosion engineering program emphasizes project management and responds to governments' and industries' calls for corrosion engineers to address what has become a $400 billion national corrosion problem.

"There is both regulatory push and industry pull for corrosion engineers," says Dr. Ed Evans, UA corrosion engineering faculty member and associate professor of chemical engineering, who points out that the high price of corrosion to industry and government prompted both entities to advocate mandates for formally educated and trained corrosion engineers.


More on UA's corrosion engineering program is available

University of Akron

The University of Akron offers more than 300 associate, bachelor's, master's, doctorate and law degree programs with accreditations by 35 professional agencies. With nearly 30,000 students and $46.7 million in sponsored research awards, UA is among the nation's strongest public universities focused on innovation, entrepreneurship, and investment in community and economic growth. Programs are targeted to diverse groups of learners, including full-time, part-time and on-line students, veterans, and adults returning to the classroom. The distinctive Akron Experience enhances post-graduate success through internships and co-ops, academic research (both undergraduate and graduate), study abroad, on-campus student employment, and service projects.

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Hot careers in corrosion [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 15-Mar-2013
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Contact: Denise Henry
University of Akron

Orlando Science Center inspires next-gen rust-busters

Akron, Ohio, March 15, 2013 When President Barack Obama cited the nation's 70,000 structurally deficient bridges in his State of the Union address last month, the University of Akron (UA) already had one solution to the problem: corrosion engineers. Now, a new partnership between UA and the Department of Defense will inspire the next generation of rust-busting corrosion engineers through an interactive educational exhibit that debuts at the Orlando Science Center in Florida, opening March 16.

As they stand under a 200-square-foot, rusty steel trestle bridge, visitors to the display move through a series of virtual experiences that depict how corrosion occurs and the scientific "fix" now under development at the University of Akron, which offers the nation's first bachelor's degree program in corrosion engineering. Supported by the U.S. DoD Corrosion Policy and Oversight Office and Bruno White Entertainment, the display (Corrosion: The Silent Menace) features videos of UA corrosion engineering students discussing their career futures.

Among the exhibit's engaging components is a video game experience, which uses kinesthetic gaming "Corr Sim Jr." to give children the opportunity to become corrosion-prevention technicians and keep their bicycles free of rust.

Launched in 2010, UA's corrosion engineering program emphasizes project management and responds to governments' and industries' calls for corrosion engineers to address what has become a $400 billion national corrosion problem.

"There is both regulatory push and industry pull for corrosion engineers," says Dr. Ed Evans, UA corrosion engineering faculty member and associate professor of chemical engineering, who points out that the high price of corrosion to industry and government prompted both entities to advocate mandates for formally educated and trained corrosion engineers.


More on UA's corrosion engineering program is available

University of Akron

The University of Akron offers more than 300 associate, bachelor's, master's, doctorate and law degree programs with accreditations by 35 professional agencies. With nearly 30,000 students and $46.7 million in sponsored research awards, UA is among the nation's strongest public universities focused on innovation, entrepreneurship, and investment in community and economic growth. Programs are targeted to diverse groups of learners, including full-time, part-time and on-line students, veterans, and adults returning to the classroom. The distinctive Akron Experience enhances post-graduate success through internships and co-ops, academic research (both undergraduate and graduate), study abroad, on-campus student employment, and service projects.

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