Monday, March 11, 2013

TIME-consider qualitatively not quantitatively;MOTIVATION-CBS ...

May you correct my motivational essay for the BSc in International Business at the Copenhagen Business School?
This are the assignment's instructions:
All applicants for the BSc in International Business and the Asian Studies Programme must include a motivational essay of maximum two pages in length. You should relate to your past, your present and your planned future. Make sure to spend quality time writing and editing this essay.
Topic: My contribution ? through my background and experience ? to an international programme and how I will benefit from studying in the international environment of CBS.

And this is my essay:

Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing this motivational letter in order to apply for the BSc in International Business at the Copenhagen Business School.
One may wonder why you should take me instead of another person applying for this program. I am not going to tell you that you should choose me since I am the best student in the world or for another pompous reason: that would only be a debatable, shallow answer. My answer will be simple, and yet meaningful. As you know, I decided to apply for this course at your university, the Copenhagen Business School, a university that is far away from home and in a country where it is spoken a language that I do not understand, whereas I could study in Italy, where everything would be significantly easier. I decided to run a risk, someone may say a great risk, but I believe firmly that a life without risks is a life without success. I took this decision consciously as I know that studying at CBS would give me major possibilities than studying in my home country and as I am aware of the fact that I will not disappoint you, therefore I am ready to take this chance.
I would like to become the manager of an international oriented company or organization because I like both management and international relations. My passion for the abroad was born when I was 6 years old when I first saw a picture of the skyline of New York City and I remained mesmerized by its beauty. From that moment, I started to make inquiries about foreign countries and the more I discovered, the more I liked the idea of an international job. However, the factors that influenced me the most in this decision are probably my exchange program in the United States and my "business trip" with my father in D?sseldorf. The former has been very important chiefly as I have lived for 5 months in an English-speaking country, hence I had the possibility to improve my knowledge of the language, but also because I had the chance put myself to the test. However, my trip to D?sseldorf has probably been the experience that changed my life the most: I went there for the global retail trade fair (Euro Shop) of 2011 with my father as he needed an interpreter because the person that had to go with him had a problem and could not go. I loved it because I had the occasion to interact with people from all over the world and I took my role so seriously and enthusiastically that some of the people with whom we were talking thought that I was the chief of the firm. In that moment I realized my interest for business and foreign relations. I know that what I did there was easier than what I am going to do, but this is one reason why I would like to attend your business school: I have always loved challenges, and this would be an incredibly interesting one.
I am a person extremely adaptable and self-sufficient, in fact when I was a child my parents worked until late in the afternoon, so I had to gradually learn to do everything by myself. This has helped me to become an enterprising and self-confident person, two important qualities for a manager and for life.
Besides, I can contribute to the international program with my knowledge of the Italian and American society: Italy is now experiencing a difficult period, so it would be useful to have a person that knows the country well to fully understand what is happening and why. In addition, my humanistic education (Philosophy, History, Literature) may be useful to comprehend today's world and why some countries are in certain conditions. These subjects have also stimulated my ability of "thinking out of the box" and my capacity to solve problems through an unusual, but effective approach. However, as I am studying in a school where Mathematics and Science are the main subjects, I have also achieved good analytical and rational problem solving skills, which are very important both in teamwork and when working alone.
I strongly believe that I will benefit a lot from studying at the Copenhagen Business School as it is a very prestigious and well known institution with a pragmatic and effective teaching. Furthermore, the city of Copenhagen is a remarkable stimulating environment and it supplies plenty of business and cultural opportunities.
As Seneca (a Latin writer and philosopher) says, time has to be considered not quantitatively, but qualitatively: that means that we have to use time as best as possible because, as he writes, we die every day (cotidie mori, from the first Epistula - "letter" - of the "Epistulae ad Lucilium") since death possesses the time that has already passed. And the best way to use my time is to study in an excellent school: that is why I have chosen to apply to the Copenhagen Business School.
Andrea xxxxxxx

Thank you in advance for your help.
PS: if you have any advices, don't be afraid to tell them to me.


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