Sunday, March 4, 2012

Area Activities and Meetings | The Galion Inquirer

Sign Wave for Pres?i?den?tial Can?di?date Rick San?to?rum March?3

Sat?ur?day, March 3, Rain or Shine, Noon to 3 p.m. (Come when you can) Cor?ner of Lexington-Springmill Road and West Fourth Street, Near the Rich?land Mall in Ontario, 44906, (Sub?urb of Mans?field) PLEASE DO NOT PARK IN THE PAYLESS SHOESOURCE PARKING LOT.Make your own sign or we?ll have one for?you.

Mans?field North Cen?tral Ohio Tea Party (The Non?par?ti?san Tea Party) Call 419?687-6761 for more information.

Girls Who Look Under?Rocks

There will be a pro?gram for female nature lovers of any age ? Girls Who Look Under Rocks, Sat?ur?day, March 3, will begin with a Power Point on inter?est?ing female nat?u?ral?ists. A hands-on ses?sion with the GNC ani?mals will fol?low, end?ing with a nature hike to turn over some rocks (weather per?mit?ting). The pro?gram begins at 10 a.m. Call 419?884-3764 for more information.

Con?cert at Cor?ner?stone Free Will Baptist

There will be a con?cern on March 3 at 6:30 p.m. The Glo?ry?Way Quar?tet Home?com?ing fea?tur?ing the Dixie Melody Boys, Danny Fun?der?burk, and the Glo?ry?Way Quar?tet at the Cor?ner?stone Free Will Bap?tist 1602 Walker Lake Rd., Mans?field. For more infor?ma?tion call 419?747-4134.

Gor?man Nature Cen?ter Upcom?ing Pub?lic Pro?gram March?3

A pro?gram for female nature lovers of any age! We will begin with a Power Point on inter?est?ing female nat?u?ral?ists. A hands-on ses?sion with the GNC ani?mals will fol?low, end?ing with a nature hike to turn over some rocks (weather per?mit?ting). Join us Sat?ur?day, March 3 at 10 a.m. For a girls nature day.

The Gor?man Nature Cen?ter is located at 2295 Lex?ing?ton Ave., south of Mans?field. All pro?grams are free and open to the pub?lic. For addi?tional infor?ma?tion call 419?884-3764.

Loss of Vision Sup?port?Group

The Loss of Vision Sup?port Group will meet March 7 at 3 p.m. at the Water?ford at Mans?field, 1296?S. Trim?ble Rd. For more infor?ma?tion con?tact Linda Ben?nett at 419?529-5792.

PECO II ? North Elec?tric Breakfast

There will be a break?fast March 5 at 8:30 a.m. at BJ?s Restau?rant, 741 Port?land Way South, Galion for PECO II and North Elec?tric. Call 419?468-6283.

CC BOE meet?ing March?7

The Colonel Craw?ford Local Pro?fes?sional Develp?ment Com?mit?tee will hold a rou?tine meet?ing in Room 129 at Colonel Craw?ford High School on Wednes?day, March 7 at 9:30 a.m. The pur?pose of the meet?ing is to con?sider staff con?tin?u?ing edu?ca?tion and pro?fes?sional devel?op?ment for the district.

Soup and sand?wich Lun?cheon March?8

The Frist Chris?t?ian Church, 301?E. War?ren St., Bucyrus is host?ing a Soup and Sand?wich Lun?cheon from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on thurs?day, March 8?in the fel?low?ship hall of the church. Every?one is wel?come. Call 419?562-3051 for more information.

Pio?neer Open House March?8

Over the past 2 1/2?years the Pio?neer cam?pus has been a bus?tle of activ?ity, with area con?trac?tors com?ing and going as they work on major ren?o?va?tions to Pioneer?s facil?i?ties. Their work is sched?uled to be com?pleted by the end of Feb?ru?ary, fol?lowed by a pub?lic open house and tours on Thurs?day, March 8 from 4?5:30 p.m. on Pioneer?s Shelby cam?pus (27 Ryan Road, Shelby). A ded?i?ca?tion cer?e?mony will be held from 5:30?6:30 p.m.

Gear?ing up for College

MANSFIELD ? OSU?Mansfield?s ?Gear?ing Up for Col?lege? event is sched?uled for March 8 at 7 p.m. in Oval?wood Hall, Room?100.

The free pro?gram is designed exclu?sively for 7th and 8th graders and their par?ents to encour?age col?lege readiness.

For more infor?ma?tion on this pro?gram, cospon?sored by the OSU-M Admis?sions Office and OSU Rich?land County Alumni Club, con?tact OSU-M Admis?sions Direc?tor Ken Sigler at 419?755-4225.

Teen Pho?tog?ra?phy Work?shop at Galion Pub?lic Library

The month of March has been des?ig?nated as Galion Pub?lic Library?s Teen Tech Month, dur?ing which tech?nol?ogy avail?able to teens at the library will be showcased.

On Thurs?day, March 8 from 6:30?8:15 p.m., dur?ing the Teen Pho?tog?ra?phy Work?shop, local pho?tog?ra?phy expert Mar?cheta Gib?son will show teens in grades 7?12 how to set up a scene with props, light?ing and people.

Those pho?tos will then be used on the com?puter to design a poster using Picasa soft?ware. Teens can either use their own dig?i?tal cam?era and SD card, or bor?row one of ours. There is no charge for this pro?gram, but reg?is?tra?tion is required. For more infor?ma?tion, call the Galion Pub?lic Library at 419?468-3203.

Pre-School Pre-K Registration

Preschool and Pre-Kindergarden reg?is?tra?tion for the colonel Craw?ford School dis?trict for 3?4?year olds will take place on March 9 at Han?nah Craw?ford Ele?men?tary from 8 a.m. ? 3:30 p.m. This is for chil?dren who will have attained the age of 3 or 4?years by Aug. 1, 2012. Please call the school at 419?562-5753 for more infor?ma?tion and to receive reg?is?tra?tion froms as soon as possible.

Ohio Farm?ers Mar?ket Conference

The 2012 Ohio Farm?ers? Mar?ket Con?fer?ence will be held on March 9?10, 2012 at the Nation?wide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Cen?ter on OSU?s main cam?pus, 2201 Fred Tay?lor Drive, Colum?bus, Ohio?43210

Olde Stark Antique Faire March?10?11

The Old Stark Antique Faire will be held Sat?ur?day and Sun?day, March 10 and 11, at the Stark County Fair?ground, Exhi?bi?tion Hall, 305 Wertz Ave. in Can?ton. Hours are 9 a.m. ? 4 p.m. For more infor?ma?tion call Bar?bara Gar?duno at 330?794-9100.

Gospel Bap?tist Church Men?s Prayer Breakfast

The Men?s Prayer Break?fast, spon?sored by Gospel Bap?tist Church, will meet Sat?ur?day, March 11, from 8 ? 9:15 a.m. at BJ?s Fam?ily Restau?rant, 741 Port?land Way South in Galion. The meet?ing will include good food, devo?tions and fel?low?ship. For more infor?ma?tion call 419?468-7009 or 419?468-3292. Mark your cal?en?dars for the rest of the year: April 14, May 12, June 9, July 14, Aug. 11, Sept. 8, Oct. 13, Nov. 10, and Dec.?8

New Per?spec?tives on Death, Dying and Grief to be pre?sented March?9

Home?Care Mat?ters Home Health & Hos?pice is pre?sent?ing the Hos?pice Foun?da?tion of America?s edu?ca?tional series, New Per?spec?tives, fea?tur?ing ?Beyond Kubler-Ross: New Per?spec?tives on Death, Dying and Grief? on Fri?day, March 9, from 9 a.m.-noon at Home?Care Mat?ters, 1220?N. Mar?ket St. in Galion.

The pro?gram pro?vides inter?est?ing and infor?ma?tive dis?cus?sion to explore the most cur?rent the?o?ret?i?cal per?spec?tives on death, dying and grief, empha?siz?ing mod?els devel?oped since the 1969 pub?li?ca?tion of Kubler-Ross? most noted work, On Death and Dying in which the world was intro?duced to the ?5 Stages of Dying? and later, the ?5 Stages of?Grief.?

Con?tin?u?ing Edu?ca?tion cred?its are avail?able for a wide range of pro?fes?sions. Reg?is?tra?tion is required. For more infor?ma?tion, please con?tact Joel Sanchez at 419?468-7985.

Galion Alliance to honor ser?vice to disabled

Galion Alliance Church, 430 Port?land Way North, will hold an Appre?ci?ate Cel?e?bra?tion on March 11 to thank and encour?age those who serve peo?ple affected by dis?abil?ity in some way. These work?ers will be receiv?ing per?sonal invi?ta?tions to a din?ner at the church.

Then at 7 p.m. the Appre?ci?a?tion Cel?e?bra?tion will con?tinue with a pow?er?ful pre?sen?ta?tion of the Gospel by ?Quiet Love.? This group shares the Gospel through tes?ti?mony and the dra?matic inter?pre?ta?tion of con?tem?po?rary Chris?t?ian music done under black?light. The entire com?mu?nity is wel?come to the pre?sen?ta?tion by Quiet?Love.

Call Galion Alliance Church at (419) 468?4553 for more information.

Colonel Craw?ford High School 2-hour delay

The Colonel Craw?ford High School will be on a 2-hour delay start dur?ing the week of March 12?16 as a result of the Ohio Grad?u?a?tion Tests being given at Colonel Craw?ford High School. Stu?dents in grades 9, 11 and 12 will be on the 2-hour delay sched?ule. Sopho?more stu?dents, junior and senior re-takes, and all Pio?neer stu?dents need to report at their reg?u?lar start?ing?time.

If you have any ques?tions, please con?tact Mr. Mar?tin at Colonel Craw?ford High School, 419?562-4666.

Happy Wan?der?ers March?14

On Wednes?day, March 14, you are invited to come to the Mor?row County Seniors on Cen?ter at 41?W. Cen?ter Street in Mount Gilead at 1:30 p.m. to meet the Happy Wan?der?ers. Pre?sen?ters for the after?noon will include Mark Warther from the Warther Museum in Dover doing a trav?el?ogue on Col?orado and Linda Ruehrmund, coor?di?na?tor for the Happy Wan?der?ers. Refresh?ments will be served. Come and bring a friend and be pre?pared to make new friends and renew acquain?tances. For ques?tions, call 419?864-7520.

?The Help? March?22

The Crest?line Pub?lic Library is cel?e?brat?ing National Women?s His?tory Month in March. The library is show?ing the award win?ning motion pic?ture ?The Help? (PG-13), star?ring Emma Stone, Viola Davis, and Octavia Spencer, March 22, 5 p.m. There will be food, film and fun and space is lim?ited to 25 adults. Sign up before March 16,?2012.

Book Sign?ing and Beer Tast?ing March?15

Main Street Books in Mans?field is host?ing a book sign?ing and beer tast?ing event March 15 from 6:30 p.m. until ?they make us go?home.?

Meet Rick Armon, author of Ohio Brew?eries and brew?ers from both Mount Carmel Brew?ing in Cincin?nati and Thirsty Dob Grew?ing in Akron. For more infor?ma?tion caoo 419?522-BOOK or go to

St. Joe Fish Fry March?16

The Knights of Colum?bus are once again spon?sor?ing a Fri?day night Fish Fry held at St. Joseph Activ?ity Cen?ter March 16 and March 30 from 5?7?p.m.

Rum?mage Sale/Bake Sale

The Bloom?ing Grove United Methodist Church, 9665 County Road 20?in Bloom?ing Grove, will host a rum?mage sale and bake sale Sat?ur?day, March 17 from 8 a.m. ? 2?p.m.

Din?ner The?atre at Colonel Craw?ford March?17

Colonel Craw?ford Aca?d?e?mic Boost?ers Din?ner The?ater will be held on March 17, in the Colonel Craw?ford Mor?ri?son Gym?na?sium. Doors will open at 5:45?pm. Menu choices are: Chicken Cor?don Bleu and Baked Steak. The tick?ets will go on sale on Feb.?27.

Please call 1(419)562?4666 dur?ing School Office hours ? Mon?day through Fri?day. The price of the tick?ets are $16 with pro?ceeds going to the stu?dents of William Craw?ford Inter?me?di?ate and Colonel Craw?ford High School. Please come and lis?ten to the beau?ti?ful music of Jazz and Con?cert bands, see skits and other won?der?ful tal?ent! You will also enjoy view?ing the stu?dents mar?velous artwork!

Cash Mob

There will be a meet?ing of the Galion Cash Mob March 17. Watch the Cash Mob Face?book for details.

CC Sports Hall of?Fame

The Craw?ford County Sports Hall of Fame Induc?tion Ban?quet is Sun?day, March 18 at 5 p.m. at the VFW Post 8999, 1325?E. Mans?field St., Bucyrus, across from the golf course. Tick?ets are $20 and can be pur?chased at the Crest?line Advo?cate, The Bucyrus Tele?graph Forum, all six county high school ath?letic depart?ments, or by call?ing 419?571-6284.

Rum?mage Sale/Bake Sale March?17

The Bloom?ing Grove United methodist church, 9665 County Road 20, Bloom?ing Grove, will hold a rum?mage sale and back sale March 17 from 8 a.m. ? 2 p.m. Avail?able will be soup and Sand?wich lunch, car?ry?outs, and fresh backed goods.

Galion Library Board to meet March?19

There will be a library board meet?ing Mon?day, March 19 at 4 p.m. in the Library board?room.

North?east Ohio Small Farm Con?fer?ence March?31

The third annual ?Liv?ing Your Small Farm Dream? North?east Ohio Small Farm Con?fer?ence and Trade Show, will be from 8:30 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. on March 31, 2012 at the R.G. Drage Career Cen?ter in Mas?sil?lon,?Ohio.

The con?fer?ence will begin with a keynote address, ?Top Ten Trends in Local Foods and How You Can Profit from Them,? by Eric Bar?rett, OSU Exten?sion. That will be fol?lowed by 23 break?out ses?sions, includ?ing: Man?ag?ing the Wood?lot for Profit; Leas?ing Farm?land for Oil and Gas Pro?duc?tion; Rais?ing and Mar?ket?ing Meat Goats; How You Can Profit from Social Media Such as Face?book and Twit?ter; Uti?liz?ing High Tun?nels to Extend the Grow?ing Sea?son; High Tun?nels and Organic Cost-Share Pro?grams; Grape Pro?duc?tion and Wine Mak?ing; Direct Mar?ket?ing of Meat in Ohio; Herb and Cut Flower Pro?duc?tion; Irri?ga?tion Sys?tems for Fruits and Veg?eta?bles; Tax Issues for Small Farms; Pas?ture Raised Poul?try; Rules and Reg?u?la?tions for Direct Mar?ket?ing Food Prod?ucts; Maple Pro?duc?tion; Oil and Gas Legal Issues; Man?aged Graz?ing; Resources Avail?able for Small or Begin?ning Farm?ers; and Start?ing an Orchard.

The cost is $50 per per?son. The reg?is?tra?tion dead?line is March 22. For more infor?ma?tion, see or con?tact OSU Exten?sion edu?ca?tor Mike Hogan at or 330?324-6341.

Governor?s Awards for Arts in Ohio May?9

Reg?is?tra?tion is now open for the 2012 Governor?s Awards for the Arts in Ohio & Arts Day Lun?cheon. This year marks the 41st anniver?sary of the lun?cheon, which will be held at noon on May 9 at the Colum?bus Athenaeum in down?town Columbus.

The lun?cheon is hosted by the Ohio Arts Coun?cil and Ohio Cit?i?zens for the Arts Foun?da?tion. Sin?gle tick?ets, which must be pur?chased online at the Ohio Arts Coun?cil web?site, are $50 and include lunch and a dessert recep?tion. Table spon?sor?ships are also avail?able through the Ohio Cit?i?zens for the Arts Foun?da?tion. Reg?is?tra?tion closes on April 9,?2012.

Crest?line BOE?meets

The next meet?ing of the Crest?line Board of Edu?ca?tion will be held at 7 p.m. Mon?day, March 12, in the high school library. The pub?lic is encour?aged to attend.

Oper?a?tion Street Smart drug aware?ness pro?gram March?16

There will be a drug aware?ness pro?gram ?Oper?a?tion Street Smart? Fri?day, March 16 from 9 a.m. ? 3 p.m. at the First Pres?by?ter?ian church of Galion. The event is free. Call 740?387-8531 for more information.

North Cen?tral Ohio Regional Respite Sum?mit March?28

The North Cen?tal Ohio Regional Respite Sum?mit spon?sored by Area Agency on Aging will be Wednes?day, March 28 from 12:30 ? 3:30 p.m. at The James Kehoe Cen?ter for Advanced Learn?ing, 175 Mans?field Ave (State Route 39) Shelby. Reg?is?ter for this free event by call?ing 800?522-5680, ext. 1187 or 419?522-5612, ext.?1187.

This Sum?mit is for par?ents, fam?ily care?givers, respite providers, com?mu?nity groups and agen?cies serv?ing those with devel?op?men?tal dis?abil?i?ties, chronic ill?ness, aging and men?tal health conditions.

Good Fri?day Ser?vice April?6

The Galion Area Min?is?te?r?ial Asso?ci?a?tion will be hold?ing a com?mu?nity Good Fri?day Ser?vice on April 6 at 7 p.m. at the Galion Com?mu?nity The?atre. It is a ser?vice open to the pub?lic where we rit?u?al?is?ti?cally recre?ate the events of Jesus? betrayal and death. We hold it at the the?atre to take full advan?tage of their pro?duc?tion equip?ment to accom?plish our goal and as a pub?lic, community-friendly location.


greg oden john dillinger atlanta hawks carlos zambrano clemson pellet gun clay aiken

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