Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Slate Votes


Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images

Click here to see how Slate staff and contributors are voting.

Today,?Slate's staff and contributors reveal how they're voting in Tuesday?s presidential election. This continues a tradition we?began in 2000 and carried on in 2004 and 2008. This year, as in 2008, Democrat Barack Obama has won a strong majority of Slate?s votes, though Republican and Libertarian candidates improved on their meager totals from four years ago, and we have one vote for Green candidate Jill Stein this time around. (Incidentally, this is a voluntary project: Our staff and contributors can reveal how they voted, but they are not required to.)

My two predecessors as?Slate's?editor, Michael Kinsley and Jacob Weisberg, each wrote articles explaining why we reveal our votes. As in 2008, I don't have anything to add to their eloquent arguments, so please read?Kinsley's 2000 piece here?(mentally subbing "Romney" for "Bush" and "Obama" for "Gore"), and?Weisberg's 2004 piece here?("Romney" for "Bush" and "Obama" for "Kerry").

To repeat what I wrote in this space four years ago, I don't think Obama's?Slate?victory reflects a bias that has corrupted the magazine during the campaign. There are obvious reasons why?Slate?would lean heavily toward Obama: Slate's voters tend to skew young and all polls show younger voters favoring the Democrat. And we are journalists. To quote Kinsley:?No doubt it is true that most journalists vote Democratic, just as most business executives (including most media owners) vote Republican, though neither tendency is as pronounced as their respective critics believe. This is a natural result of the sort of people who are attracted to various careers. It is not the product of any conspiracy.?

Also, most of our staff and contributors live in Democratic-tilting cities in blue states on the East and West coasts. The only Slate staffer casting a meaningful vote is managing editor Rachael Larimore, who lives in Ohio. She?s supporting Romney.

Source: http://feeds.slate.com/click.phdo?i=bfe92bb8b95d48706b428c1b3bf15332

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